Saturday, August 22, 2009

35 weeks and Happy 4th Anniversary

33 weeks

Car Seat Installation

Me instructing Ryan on how to put the car seats in. (32 weeks)

All Done!

Long Awaited Pictures!

Baby Shower July 19, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I still need to post pictures, but I thought I little update would be ok! We had an ultrasound on Wednesday to see how big these boys are getting and WOW! they are big!!
Baby A weighed 5lb 14oz and Baby B weighed 6lb 2oz! (Thats right, 12 pounds of baby!!) The specialist said that they are each the size of one baby at this point and that twins' growth usually slows down...but not my boys!! ha ha He thinks that even if they came today, they would not need to go to the NICU since they are a really good size! We also do not see the specialist again so that is good!! We are getting close!
On Monday, we had an apointment with the regular doctor. We went ahead and scheduled a c-section since Baby A is still feet first! The date we chose was Sept 9 (9/9/09)! The doctor and mommy doesn't think that I will make it that long since they are getting big. I have also been having contractions daily so progress is occuring!! That's all for now. Someday I will walk downstairs to the other computer to post pictures but I reinjured my back from last fall (work related) and it hurts like crazy (and the extra weight that I have gained doesn't help!)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Alright, a lot has happened since my last post so I will update quickly. 2 weeks ago, I had an appointment at the doctors and they hooked me up to a monitor to see the babies heart rates and how they moved and if I was having contractions. Everything was fine except baby A was being ornery as usual and they could not keep him on the monitor because he moved so much. It was late in the day and the doctor wanted an ultrasound just to confirm evrything was fine (very common so we weren't alarmed or anything) but their ultrasound dept was closed so we had to go to the hospital..fine whatever, we would be done shortly and all would be good.
We headed to labor and delivery and I changed and we waited for the ultrasound people come get me. After they were done, I came back to L&D and waited some more. The nurse calls the doctor on call and thats where it gets exciting. Turns out I was contracting pretty frequently and my cervix was changing!! (I had no idea that I was having contractions; I thought it was the boys moving and about feeling dumb)So I got admitted! I was scared out of my mind and crying. I was only 32 weeks! too early!
I got the excitement of an IV and wonderful medications that make you feel like royal poop! Started with a pill to stop the contractions but that wasn't working fast enough so I got a shot which made me feel shaky and yucky. I also had to be monitored every 4 hours so that meant no sleep. Mind you, I had never ever stayed in the hospital alone (last time was when I was a year old and do not remember a thing!)
I also got another shot of steriods for the babies lungs just in case they came soon.
Anyway to make a long story short, the contractions stopped, my cervix did not change anymore and the boys were great. I got to go home Wednesday after 2 sleepless nights!! I was placed on bedrest and given medications to keep contractions at bay. That meant no work and sitting on the couch aaaallllll day! Let's just say I was stir crazy after 2 days!!!
As of today I am 34 weeks and 1 day. they wanted me to make it until at least 34 weeks for the sake of the boys. I am done with medication, but still taking it easy of course. I am having contractions (about 2-4 per hour) which are uncomfortable but not painful. I thought for sure I would go into labor after I stopped the meds but they are still in there all cozy and warm which is good for them. Mommy is soooo ready to be done though! :) But they boys will be just fine from here on out if born now. Lungs are ready and the only issue maybe eating so NICU might be a possibility just so they can learn to eat. Like I said, I imagine they will stay in me for at least a week or 2 though so by then NICU may not even have to be part of their lives!
We also had an ultrasound a week and a half ago to measure the babies (I was 32 weeks and 5days at the time) and Baby A weighted 4lbs 9 oz and B weighted 4lbs 12 oz!! Big boys! I imagine they are both 5+ lbs each by now! I have over 10lbs of baby in me and I can tell! Breathing is a priviledge at this point!! lol I promise to post belly pics soon. I am on the wrong computer currently to do that!!