Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oy Vey

Well today is my birthday and I feel so old. Once you graduate from college, the years go by so fast!! I can't believe I am 26 so close to 30 and have been married for over 3 years!! I am an adult.....good or bad guess I can't change that. Sometimes it makes me sad that it is going so fast and other times I realize how lucky I am and life has worked out as I had dreamed it for the most part (the lack of my mom and my own children by now has not turned out....). I have a great husband, great friends and family, my very own house, and a pretty great career (opinions change daily on that haha). I am better off than most and I am so proud of what Ryan and I have accomplished, but I still feel old, like I wanna be 24 or 25 forever. Well too late now, 26 here I come.
Ok feeling a little better as I am blogging though I feel like a lunatic for writing all this, but aren't blogs for being a little crazy and getting your thoughts out..... haha. Anyway, Happy Birthday to me and all you other people getting old out there....
(I promise no more crazy posts like this and I want no comments from the peanut know who you are)


The Lone Female said...

Happy birthday, a couple days late! And you're 26? Whatever. Tomorrow I turn 36. Now THAT'S old.