Saturday, January 9, 2010

4 Months

Wow! The boys are getting so big! Ethan weighs 17 1/2 lbs and is 27 inches long!! and Carsten is 14 1/2 lbs and 25 1/2 inches long! Yes their weights are that different! Ethan is the size of a 6 month old while Carsten is finally where he is supposed to be! They are now cooing and laughing out loud and smiling alot! We are eating cereal now and doing ok with that. We are still getting the hang of the spoon! They almost sleep all night and should be doing so soon! Ethan is trying to roll over but his arms get in the way. Carsten is still taking his time meeting his milestones, usually about a week after brother! He is still on track, he just wants Ethan to try first!! haha
We started a sitter this last week and they seem to be doing ok with that. She is a friend of ours so that is so much better (and cheaper) than daycare where they could get who know what disease!! Mommy and daddy are doing ok as well. We seem to be tired all the time though!! Twin boys are alot alot of work (I mean lots!!). Enjoy the pictures!

Daddy and Carsten
Carsten and Ethan
Carsten and Ethan
Ethan says "I WANT THE REMOTE!"
Carsten watching tv
Carsten, Mommy, Ethan
Carsten and Ethan
Ethan Ouch, Ethan, You Scream too loud!

Happy New Year!
mmmm cereal
Carsten smiling at his puppy
Silly Ethan
Their new toy
Gramma and Ethan
Carsten not so happy
oooo Carsten
Their first present on their first Christmas
"Santa" and Ethan
Santa (aka Uncle Matt) Ethan and Carsten
Looking at Papa!
Carsten Watching TV